A few words about this shop |
- This shop is based on the xt:Commerce shop-system. That is an advancement of osCommerce, whereby was tried to separate php and html. The basic shop-structure cost 99, - Euro. Actually this shop is freely available. The 99, - Euro are meant as support fee. After payment, You get entrance to the download section and may look around the support forum within the sponsor range. There, the developers always strive to answer occurring questions. Sometimes the questions are however too heavily or too easily.
- If larger changes at the Shop should be made, You are better served with founded php and html knowledge. But therefore the support is also not meant. The shop-system is ready and can actually be used like as it is. Also, from time to time, comes updates, with it You can upload the complete shop, to get the benefits of the error clearing and new features.
- In this shop, you see here, is as well as no file originally. Innumerable extensions were inserted and bugs eliminated. That was a work of several months. If one would not have made that by himself, it surely would have cost some thousand euros. As extensions are e.g. inserted: graduated prices in the product overview, usage of complete packaging-units, more clearly handling of orders, graduated prices in the shopping-cart, adding of amounts of products in the product-listing into the shopping cart, extended search function finds also products with names of the producer in the search word, shipping overview-site is dynamically, completely changed handling of PayPal IPN orders, optimized VAT-ID-check and many, many changes in the design, in order to list only some of them.
- What you do not see, are not functions in the admin area, to be able, to update from our booking software PC-Kaufmann, articles inclusive pictures, prices, manufacturer information, availability etc. with one click. That does not only save a lot of time for us, the products, You can see, are always up-do-date.
- From signs like "best viewed with IE6 at 1024x768" we hold nothing at all. Therefore much importance was attached to the fact that the shop can be viewed with all browsers and in all screen resolutions. However, you need to scroll horizontal with smaller than 800x600. Everything is nevertheless not possible.
- Java Script and such things should not be necessary for the operation of a shop. If you have switched Java Script off, nevertheless quite everything works. Limitations You will have in this case only on changing buttons, back buttons (however the browser has that in any case left above) and a few Popup assistance windows. Those opens then in a new window.
- Links should actually be always emphasized. However, that unfortunately does not fit into the design. Therefore only few are blue underlined. All links You find highlighted, as soon as the mouse pointer drives over it. Thus these are also directly visible. Nearly all icons and pictures are clickable. As like as nearly for all links, a tool-tip with information appears after short time. That can be e.g. useful for You, if a text is limited in the length and there appears dots. In the tool-tip you can see the full text.
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